Hôtel Ampère Paris

Legal information


Legal information


General partnership with a capital of € 10,000.00

URL: https://www.hotel-ampere-paris.com/
R.C.S. Paris 908 395 791
Siret 90839579100019
APE 5510Z
VAT FR30908395791

Hotel ampere

102, avenue de Villiers
75017 PARIS
Tel : 00 33 (0)1 44 29 17 17
Fax : 00 33 (0)1 44 29 16 50
Email : contact@hotelampere.com


URL : www.mmcreation.com
32 Avenue Wagram - 75008 Paris
Tel : +33 1 45 74 76 00
Email : info@mmcreation.com

The Ampère Hotel wishes to draw the attention of those who consult
to the following points:

Data Protection Act

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete any personal data concerning you (article 394 of the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, amended in August 2004).


If you have not received a satisfactory response from Customer Service within one month, you may refer the matter to the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman, whose contact details and procedures are available on his website www.mtv.travel

Access to the site

Customers are reminded that fraudulently accessing or remaining in a computer system, hindering or distorting the operation of such a system, or fraudulently introducing or modifying data in a computer system constitute offences punishable by criminal penalties.

Intellectual property :

L'hotel Ampère is the owner, or holder of the rights, to all the elements that make up this site, in particular the data, drawings, graphics, photos and soundtracks. Any reproduction, representation, distribution or redistribution, in whole or in part, of the content of this site by any process whatsoever without the express prior authorisation of L'hotel Ampère is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable under the Intellectual Property Code.

Site content:

L'hotel Ampère reserves the right to correct the content of this site at any time and without prior notice. Furthermore, L'hotel Ampère declines all responsibility in the event of delays, errors or omissions in the content of these pages, as well as in the event of interruption or unavailability of the service.

Automated processing of personal information:

The Hotel Ampère does not collect any nominative or personal information about visitors to its site other than that which is openly and voluntarily provided, in particular via the e-mail addresses of its correspondents.

Hypertext links :

The L'hotel Ampère website contains hypertext links to websites that are not published by L'hotel Ampère . As a result, L'hotel Ampère cannot be held responsible for the content of sites to which Internet users may have access in this way.

Cookies :

Users are informed that when they visit the site, a cookie may be automatically installed and stored temporarily in their memory or on their hard drive. A cookie is an element that does not allow the user to be identified but is used to record information relating to the user's browsing on the website. Users of the site acknowledge that they have been informed of this practice and authorise L'hotel Ampère to use it. They will be able to deactivate this cookie via the settings in their browser software.

Photo credits :

Francis Vauban - David Grimbert

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